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Saturday, June 22, 2024

Visit to a hospital and interaction with doctor

Writing the blogpost after a long time. This time it is not on investment. But on a topic that touches our life. It is about my experience of visiting a hospital today and my interaction with the doctor. 

Look forward to your feedback. 

कुछ अनुभव बड़े मार्मिक होते है 

जब आप अस्पताल जाते है तो जीवन की कई सच्चाइयो से सामना करते है और कई बार आपके सामने वो सच्चाई आ जाती है 

अस्पताल में और उसकी गंध, या दुर्गंद कह लीजिये, से मुझे बड़ी तकलीफ होती है परन्तु कभी कभी आप इसे टाल नहीं सकते है 

आज हॉस्पिटल में जाना हुआ। 

एक परिचित की ब्रेन सर्जरी हुई थी 

Neurosurgeon भारत के एक बेहतरीन डॉक्टर्स में से एक है हमारे अच्छे मित्र है उनसे भी मिलने का मौका मिला 

परिचित सीनियर सिटीजन है और सर्जरी के बाद अभी ICU में है और उनकी पत्नी उनकी देखभाल कर रही है 

जब डॉक्टर उनसे मिल रहे थे तो कुछ और परिवार जिनके रिश्तेदार डॉक्टर के मरीज़ थे मिलने आ गए 

परिचित के परिवार से मिलने के बाद, हमारे डॉक्टर मित्र हमें कैंटीन ले गए और कॉफ़ी पे बड़ी ही भावनात्मक बातें हुई. हर रोगी की एक कहानी है 

ये आज पता चला की हमारे मित्र बड़े ही धीर, गंभीर और संवेदनशील है 

उन्होंने बताया की nuro के मरीजों को कई बार बहुत लम्बे समय तक भी हस्पताल में रहना पड़ता है, रोगी की बहुत देख रेख करनी पड़ती है 

कई बार उन्होंने देखा है की कई cases में परिवार हिम्मत तोड़ देते है उसके बाद उन्होंने जो निजी अनुभव साझा किए वह बहुत मार्मिक थे 

वो बोले जब आप निजी तौर पे अस्पताल में इतने कठिन समय से गुजरते है तो समझ आ जाता है की कौन आपके साथ है और कौन नही 

बुरा समय सबसे बढ़िया आइना होता है 

जब रोगी बहुत लम्बे समय तक कोमा में होते है या उनको बहुत पर्सनल केयर, उनकी hygine क्लीनिंग से लगा कर सब कुछ करना पड़ता है 

तब ऐसे समय में कई बार रोगी की पत्नी, बच्चे साथ छोड़ देते है, उनके रिश्तेदारों की हिम्मत टूट जाती है वो अस्पताल रोगी को देखने भी नहीं आते है 

परन्तु मेरे डॉक्टर मित्र के २० साल से भी ज्यादा के अनुभव में एक भी ऐसा केस ऐसा नहीं आया जब माँ ने अपने बच्चे को छोड़ दिया हो चाहे बच्चा कितना भी बड़ा क्यों न हो और माँ कितनी भी बुजुर्ग क्यों ना हो वो हमेशा आती है और कोशिश करती है 

कितनी सच्चाई है जीवन के इस अनुभव में 

निश्चित तौर पर माँ के कर्ज को कभी भी चूका नहीं सकते है 

मेरे पास शब्द नहीं थे कुछ और कहने के लिए 

जिंदगी की भाग दौड़ में हम रिश्तो की अहमियत को भूल जाते है या "taken for granted" करते है!!! 

आपकी प्रतिक्रिया की प्रतीक्षा है 

नितीन ऐस धर्मावत

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Indian equity market performance in election year - challenges and drivers (2018)


2018 is a special year. It is a pre-election year. This presentation covers analysis of last 7 Loksabha spanning over 25+ years. It talks about various challenges and drivers during the election year and how the markets performed.

I did this analysis 5 years ago on pre-election year performance of the market. The market was hovering around 18500-19000 levels that time. Many were predicting that it will go down to 12,000. However, it went off exactly I talked about in my presentation. The market gave 22% return in 2014 election year. 

I see current situation no different. There is always an uncertainty about the future and fear of unknown. The fear could be legitimate as we have seen the huge market up move during the last couple of quarters. 

I have updated my presentation with the performance of 2014 and with current numbers. Will this year be different from others, only time will tell us?

You can access the copy of the presentation here.

As always, I eagerly look forward to your feedback.

Niteen S Dharmawat
Twitter: @niteen_india

Monday, December 11, 2017

KNR Constructions: My presentation

My presentation on KNR:
Please share your feedback. I look forward to receiving your response.

Niteen S Dharmawat
Twitter: @niteen_india

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: Investment in equity shares has its own risks. Sincere efforts have been made to present the right perspective. This presentation/material/email/blog write-up does not give any buy/sell/hold recommendation directly or indirectly. The details should not be concluded as a recommendation for buy/sell/hold. It does not give any price targets. This is with the sole objective of taking feedback from the readers/viewers. The information contained herein is based on my study and upon sources that I consider reliable. I, however, do not vouch for the accuracy or the completeness thereof. This material is for personal information and not intended for any investment decisions. I am not responsible for any profit or loss incurred based upon it & take no responsibility whatsoever for any financial profits or loss which may arise from the discussion thread above/anywhere in communication. It is safe to assume that I, my family, friends have vested interest in any of the stock ideas discussed here and we reserve the right to take an opposite position to what we have today. Please do your due diligence and take the help of a qualified investment adviser and a registered equity analyst before you make any investment decisions. I am neither of these.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Godawari Power & Ispat


My presentation on Godawari Power & Ispat at Tamilnadu Investor Association (TIA) 20-20 Summit at Chennai. Share your comments.

Presentation: https://goo.gl/vXT3Vq

Please share your feedback. I look forward to receiving your response.

Niteen S Dharmawat
Twitter: @niteen_india

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: Investment in equity shares has its own risks. Sincere efforts have been made to present the right perspective. This presentation/material/email/blog write-up does not give any buy/sell/hold recommendation directly or indirectly. The details should not be concluded as a recommendation for buy/sell/hold. It does not give any price targets. This is with the sole objective of taking feedback from the readers/viewers. The information contained herein is based on my study and upon sources that I consider reliable. I, however, do not vouch for the accuracy or the completeness thereof. This material is for personal information and not intended for any investment decisions. I am not responsible for any profit or loss incurred based upon it & take no responsibility whatsoever for any financial profits or loss which may arise from the discussion thread above/anywhere in communication. It is safe to assume that I, my family, friends have vested interest in any of the stock ideas discussed here and we reserve the right to take an opposite position to what we have today. Please do your due diligence and take the help of a qualified investment adviser and a registered equity analyst before you make any investment decisions. I am neither of these.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Presenting at MCCIA Pune Investors August Meetup


It was a fantastic 4-hour-long session at Pune Investors Meetup. Thanks to everyone who came on a rainy Sunday. :-)

I enjoyed every min interacting with participants.  

I have uploaded the presentation on the SlideShare. I also uploaded the photographs of the event. The links are on my twitter handle:

PPT link + Photographs: https://goo.gl/1LRQSx

Feel free to share with anyone you feel could get benefited. Let's spread the awareness for financial literacy. Thank you again. Look forward to interacting with you.

Niteen S Dharmawat

On 6 August 2017 at 15:48, Niteen S Dharmawat <niteen.dharmawat@gmail.com> wrote:

I am invited to present at Pune Investors August Meetup.

If you want to attend, please see the details below. You can forward this email to anyone who you think could benefit by attending this event.

Date: 20th August 
Time: 10.00 am - 2.00 pm

Topic: This is an experience sharing session covering stock screening criteria, methodology, the ways to avoid traps, the important considerations to identify stocks & several case studies.

Who can benefit?: One who is going to invest in the stock market or already invested in the stock market.

Registration & payment link for meetup:

Niteen S Dharmawat
Twitter: @niteen_india
slideshare: www.slideshare.net/ndharmawat/

Saturday, June 17, 2017

How to screen stocks


I have delivered this presentation in an investor meet in Pune.

It provides stock screening criteria, methodology, the ways to avoid the traps, the important consideration to identify the stocks and case studies.

It was a houseful with 70+ participants. Great interaction with the fellow investors.

As always, I look forward to receiving your response.

Niteen S Dharmawat
Twitter: @niteen_india

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Vinati Organics...

Vinati yesterday crossed Rs960. It was discovered at 64 levels about 5.5 years ago (Aug 2011). Now it is a 15 bagger (with dividend 19 bagger). The benefits of holding quality companies. 

I have made my quantity FOC (Free of Cost).

My post: https://goo.gl/NmnnW5

Working on a new script. Let's see if I can identify a good company at reasonable valuations which could give reasonable returns. Let's be in touch.

Niteen S Dharmawat
Blog: http://dharmawat.blogspot.com/
Twitter: @niteen_india
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dharmawat
slideshare: www.slideshare.net/ndharmawat/
Linkedin: in.linkedin.com/in/dharmawat/

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: Investment in equity shares has its own risks. Sincere efforts have been made to present the right perspective. This presentation/material/email/blog write-up does not give any buy/sell/hold recommendation directly or indirectly. The details should not be concluded as a recommendation for buy/sell/hold. It does not give any price targets. This is with the sole objective of taking feedback from the readers/viewers. The information contained herein is based on my study and upon sources that I consider reliable. I, however, do not vouch for the accuracy or the completeness thereof. This material is for personal information and not intended for any investment decisions. I am not responsible for any profit or loss incurred based upon it & take no responsibility whatsoever for any financial profits or loss which may arise from the discussion thread above/anywhere in communication. It is safe to assume that I, my family, friends have vested interest in any of the stock ideas discussed here and we reserve the right to take an opposite position to what we have today. Please do your due diligence and take the help of a qualified investment adviser and a registered equity analyst before you make any investment decisions. I am neither of these.

On 12 January 2017 at 18:46, Niteen S Dharmawat <niteen.dharmawat@gmail.com> wrote:
Writing after a long gap. Vinati Organics was today close to Rs700. It is a 11 bggger in 5.5 years (Aug 2011). It gives good dividend as well and has given more than Rs15 dividend per share from 2011 till date.

Enjoy the fruits of long-term holding.

Disc.: Holding Vinati. This is not a recommendation.

Niteen S Dharmawat
Mobile: 9850571857

On 8 January 2014 at 09:42, Niteen S Dharmawat <niteen.dharmawat@gmail.com> wrote:
Vinati Organics is a gem. I identified this stock at around 64 levels sometime in Aug 2011. 

The stock today touched 218 and going strong. This is a return of, including dividend, 250%.

Professional management, worldwide leadership position in its segment, strong financial performance, dividend paying, high promoters stake, no pledging, low debt, cheap valuations and a history of performance coupled with right expansion moves made this company an attractive investment opportunity.

Later some of you bought @100 or so when I discussed this and I hope they enjoyed the ride.

We met with Pune Equity Group on Jan 4th and I discussed about Paper Products. It is another long term bet.
Please feel free to invite anyone that you feel would benefit from the discussions.

To understand the product lines of Vinati please use the below link. This will help to understand why we need to be bullish on Vinati (other than the financial factors): http://in.finance.yahoo.com/video/demand-products-remain-buoyant-vinati-073004369.html

Niteen S Dharmawat

On Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 12:32 PM, Niteen S Dharmawat <niteen.dharmawat@gmail.com> wrote:
Remembering that you bought/discussed Vinati at around 110 levels. After that it came down 85 levels. But now look at the stock. It is zoooming past 150...
We identify and bought Vinati for the first time at around 65 levels...


Niteen S Dharmawat